Servicing, Quick Fixes & Overhauls

From piccolos to tubas, we service all brass and woodwind.  Each instrument is carefully taken apart, thoroughly clean and polished and put back together with precision. 

All services come with a 3 month warranty

All overhauls come with a 6 month warranty

A majority of quick fixes can be done on the spot

Quick Fix

A quick fix is something that can generally be done on the spot in the workshop.  Sometimes quick fixes need to stay in the workshop for longer depending on what needs to be done.


All instruments are stripped down and undergo a deep clean and polish, dent removal, replacing necessary pads, corks, water key corks and felts, mechanism adjustments and regulation, pad adjustment and alignment, oiling the mechanism, oiling wood (if wooden) and a 3 month warranty


Overhauls include rebuilding the instrument from the ground up. Like in a service the instrument is stripped down and undergo a deep clean and polish, dent removal, replacing all pads, corks, water key corks and felts, mechanism adjustments and regulation, pad adjustment and alignment, swedge loose mechanism and take any play out of the keywork, oiling the mechanism, oiling wood (if wooden) and a 6 month warranty


Piccolos, flutes, alto & bass flutes, clarinets & bass clarinets, soprano, alto, tenor & baritone saxophones, oboes, bassoons, renaissance recorders


Cornets, trumpets, french horns, tenor & baritone horns, trombones, euphoniums, tubas


The Following brands I have observed over the years and have found that they DO NOT have stable mechanisms, badly made keywork & parts and do not sustain work done to them so I cannot service them.

Axiom, Slade, Huxley, Livingstone, Lark, Parrot, Bond, Di Zhao, Steinhoff, Dolphin, Fonatine, Artiste, Elkhart, Sonata, Beagle, Moller, Vinci, X5, Wisemann Taurus, Zeff, Hanson England, Castaway